Monday, July 23, 2018

Monday 23rd July

As the sun came up, Rats approached the camp with "a friend", went by the name of Spears. Dirtnap and Kronos were still in some pain from the previous days exertions and combat, so they wanted to stay. Spears volunteered to stay with them and keep watch as they rested. They would do what they could to catch the group up over the coming days.

The rest of the group headed north to continue their search for the crypt and the evil undead worshipping orcs. The first day went without incident, the land changing from woods in to undulating hills as they made their way further north. On the second day, they saw a very tall rock in the distance and decided to make their way towards it. Scouting ahead, Rats soon spotted that there was some kind of wooden constructed palisade around part of the large jutting rock, and could see movement of people on the walls.

The group ventured a bit closer, hiding behind one of the hills whilst they tried to come up with a plan. Irina started out by shifting in to the form of a wolf, and headed off behind the rock to do some natural scouting. Doing a quick circuit of the place, she found that the walls were forming a small loop in front of the rock, with the rock itself forming part of wall.

Some of the group decided to sneak forwards. Rats and Norris both made a bit of noise and one of the wall guards fired an arrow in their direction. It hit Kevin but he managed to take the blow without whimpering in pain. Everyone was still as they waited to see if the guards had spotted them, but they quickly went back to their patrols and the group made their way forwards once again.

They found a small gap in the wall that was just behind what appeared to be the orc shit holes. Rat's, disguising himself with an illusion to look like an orc spotted an orc go for a shit, and followed him in. The orc looked at him and said something in orcish a few times, but Rat's didn't understand. Then he had a bright idea for a diversionary tactic and took his pants down. It worked, and the orc let out a raucous laugh. Rats, unperturbed, sat down on the long bench with holes in it right next to the orc and the proceeded to pull out a dagger and stab him in the neck. He was so effective with his weapon, that he actually chopped the poor orcs head off before he had a chance to react. The head was swiftly placed down one of the makeshift toilets.

Rats went back to the hole he had pushed his way through and used his thieves tools to remove some nails and make the hole a bit bigger. The rest of the party started to make their way through. One of the patrolling orcs on the other side of the camp spotted Norris and the sound of alarm whistles lit the camp up. Folbys cleverly tried to use an orc war horn to fool the orcs in to thinking that they were friendly, only for Norris to shout up and ask what the fuck the noise was! Combat ensued.

Sephiroth teleported on to one of the wall to take care of an orc, as what appeared to be some kind of boss made his way towards them. Flanked by two wolves, he was ready to rock. There was a big fight, in the middle of which the orcs and the goblins in the camp turned on each other. The party were grateful as the two wolves were keeping them busy. Norris obiliterated the bosses head, and bit of it rained down on the entire camp. The enemy were dying left right and centre, a group of them blown backwards by Kevin using his mystical monk powers to create a thunderwave, Irina followed suit, whilst Folbys and Sephiroth cast bane spells on a number of the enemy. At last, there was just 1 orc who retreated with wounds, and a single goblin that decided it was time to die. It grabbed a bomb from its pocket and let it off in its hands, hurting both Sephiroth and Kevin in the process.

Norris healed Kevin, as they heard noises coming from the tunnel that went in to the rock.

And that, was where we ended the session...

Monday 25th June

Had a fight with some orcs n that

Monday 11th June

Went in to a crypt, fell in some pits, shit went crazy. Somehow survived.

Tuesday 15th May

Got a job from Freya to go north in search of an evil book that was being looked for by a group of undead worshipping orcs. 
Went to the store and got in a bit of a kerfuffle.
Got ambushed at camp by goblins and then went to find respond to some screams

Wednesday 18th April

Having arrived at the Rusty Anchor, Lucius informed the party that the boat that was picking him up should hopefully arrive in the next day or two. He paid for rooms for everyone to spend the night there, as well as providing food and drink for the group. Folbys played some music and got some silver for his efforts. Upon seeing this, Dirtnap decided to try and put on a show of his own. Doing a series of one armed push ups and a few lunges, the people in the Rusty Anchor gave him some strange looks. Freya, the barmaid, laughed at him and warned that he probably shouldn't do that again. She did however give him a free pint for the entertainment!
As the afternoon wore on, and it started to get dark outside, Norris noticed that the number of guards on watch and patrolling around were slowly increasing. He also noticed that they all seemed to be wearing some kind of whistle around their necks. Norris, Kevin and Kronos took it upon themselves to ask some of the guards what the whistles were for. The guards informed them that they were used to signal that they were under attack, as Brightwall often found itself being attacked by undead, and that the frequency of attacks had been increasing of late. Upon hearing this, Folbys asked Freya if she knew anything else about this, and as a result discovered that there were rumours of a band of orcs to the North that from all accounts appeared to worship undead.
Shortly after, the sound of whistles could be heard from outside. Two militia men who were in the tavern made their way outside to offer assistance, telling the people inside to remain where they are for their own safety. Not long after, the sound of whistles and combat subsided. All seemed to be calm, and everyone in the bar continued with their drinks. There was a scream from one side of the tavern, as a shadowy figure stepped through the tavern wall and struck a patron, knocking him to the floor unconscious. The whistling outside resumed, this time it seemed to be much more energetic and frantic.
Waves of undead assailed the tavern from all sides, two shadowy creatures appeared through the walls, one of them managing to strike Folbys with a solid blow, draining his strength in the process. Zombies came through a number of the doors, and Freya joined in the combat - all time shouting to the people who were normal townsfolk to hide in the back room of her tavern. Norris blasted one of the shadowy creatures with radiant magic, destroying it in an eerie puff of black smoke. Folbys did much the same to the other shadowy creature, using dissonant whispers to psychically obliterate the create where it floated menacingly.
The fight was going fairly well, but the zombies were very resilient and didn't seem to want to go down, no matter how much they were hit. The group thought they were winning, but then another wave of undead emerged from the pool in the middle of the tavern. Six skeletons, along with what appeared to be a much more intelligent and fast moving form of undead. "It's a Ghoul!!" shouted Irina "Don't let it hit you with it's claws, it's really bad!"- the warning was heeded by all and things got serious. 
Sephiroth finally got a zombie to the floor, to cheers from his companions. Dirtnap followed up quickly with a couple of massive blows that knocked two more of them to the floor. Norris smashed a skeleton to bits with his mace. Things were looking up! Then disaster struck - it seemed the gods did not smile upon the tavern in the following moments, as a number of hard hits, from zombies and skeletons alike, smashed damage in to the whole party. Everyone was injured and it was again looking like this was not going to end well. Freya used her magic to try and keep everyone alive, the radiance emanating from her and settling on everyone in the room. Despite the healing, the fight continued to go against them. Kronos and Sephiroth fell to hideous blows, forcing Irina and Norris to use their magical powers to save their lives using words of healing.
Dirtnap and Kevin smashed another 2 zombies to the floor, Irina stood toe to toe with a skeleton, and Norris found himself flanked by two of them. Sephiroth, seeing the battle slipping away from them reached in to his bags, and in an act of desperation threw a bomb in to the middle of the fight. Luck was not on their side, as all of the undead in the bombs area appeared to survive undamaged. Kevin was struck by a foul blow, knocking him to the floor, causing Dirtnap to become enraged and smash the skeleton that delivered the blow in to a pile of bones. 
The situation was dire, so Freya took a drastic measure. Reaching in to her cloak, she retrieved a golden orb and appeared to utter some kind of celestial words. The orb began to glow brightly, and a wave of bright radiant energy rippled across the room. It cured the wounds of the living, whilst doing damage to the undead - destroying what was left of them. Freya fell to the floor and didn't seem to be in a good way - Norris rushed over to help her so that she did not bleed to death.
And that, was where we left it...

Monday 19th March

The party got to know each other and spent an evening getting drunk in the tavern, helpfully funded by a couple of performances from Folbys. The morning after a few of the group were feeling a bit rough, though Dirtnap seemed completely unaffected by the nights heavy drinking! Kevin, Sephiroth, Norris and Kronos were all feeling various levels of a severe hangover. Irina and Folbys were sensible enough to not drink too much!
The party set off with Lucius and the caravan on their journey to Brightwall. The first day went without incident, and the group set up camp. There was a bit of discussion about what watch rotas to set up, but an agreement was made and people got their sleep for the night, though Sephiroth took advantage of his Elven heritage and meditated for an hour on top of one of the caravans, effectively being on watch all night. Kevin noticed that Dirtnap was having a very restless sleep when going to wake him up for his watched, and decided to do so using the pointy bit of his axe. Dirtnap did not react too kindly to being woken in this way and swung a punch at Kevin, who laughed as the big green fist completely missed him. During the second watch, Dirtnap was joined by Irina, with Sephiroth still sitting on top of one of the wagons. Irina spotted some strange lights off to the north in the night, and they were not natural in any way.
Morning arrived, and the caravan set off again. As the day wore on towards mid afternoon, the group saw a lone man stood in the middle of the road ahead. The wagons stopped, with Lucius and Grey took the reins as the rest of the party stepped forward to meet the man in the road. "Give me your gold and I will let you live" he shouted, with men coming out of hiding positions on both sides of the road at the sound of his voice. Combat ensued, starting with Dirtnap hitting the man in the road with a javelin, and Norris'  guiding bolt narrowly missing the mans face. The fight raged on, Sephiroth down two foes, and Norris patched up a few cuts on Kevin the dwarf with a healing spell. Irina trapped a couple of the bandits in some vines with druidic magic, whilst Dirtnap and Kronos got in the man in the roads face. The guy was tough, and seemed to be pretty healthy despite taking a few hits. Folbys was ridiculing the man with vicious mockery, and that made the man mad and chase after him. Being in danger, Folbys told the worst joke heard this year, but the tough bandit man found it hilarious and fell to the floor laughing. The group proceeded to kick the shit out of him on the floor, with Dirtnap scoring a particularly nasty blow that severed the mans arm, before Kevin landed a final blow. Kronos dispatched another bandit, and the last two decided to make a run for it. Asking the party if they wanted a hand to get the two who were running away, Lucius unleashed some magic and blasted them both in the back. They fell to the floor and all fell silent. 
The party looted what they could find from the group of bandits, and loaded injured people in to the wagons, whereupon they continued their journey. They rested well that night and got back to full health. The rest of the journey to Brightwall was uneventful, and they made it to the Rusty Anchor, where they all had rooms paid for them by Lucius. Now they just needed to wait for the boat that was due to pick Lucius up.
And that was the end of the first session.