Monday, July 23, 2018

Monday 19th March

The party got to know each other and spent an evening getting drunk in the tavern, helpfully funded by a couple of performances from Folbys. The morning after a few of the group were feeling a bit rough, though Dirtnap seemed completely unaffected by the nights heavy drinking! Kevin, Sephiroth, Norris and Kronos were all feeling various levels of a severe hangover. Irina and Folbys were sensible enough to not drink too much!
The party set off with Lucius and the caravan on their journey to Brightwall. The first day went without incident, and the group set up camp. There was a bit of discussion about what watch rotas to set up, but an agreement was made and people got their sleep for the night, though Sephiroth took advantage of his Elven heritage and meditated for an hour on top of one of the caravans, effectively being on watch all night. Kevin noticed that Dirtnap was having a very restless sleep when going to wake him up for his watched, and decided to do so using the pointy bit of his axe. Dirtnap did not react too kindly to being woken in this way and swung a punch at Kevin, who laughed as the big green fist completely missed him. During the second watch, Dirtnap was joined by Irina, with Sephiroth still sitting on top of one of the wagons. Irina spotted some strange lights off to the north in the night, and they were not natural in any way.
Morning arrived, and the caravan set off again. As the day wore on towards mid afternoon, the group saw a lone man stood in the middle of the road ahead. The wagons stopped, with Lucius and Grey took the reins as the rest of the party stepped forward to meet the man in the road. "Give me your gold and I will let you live" he shouted, with men coming out of hiding positions on both sides of the road at the sound of his voice. Combat ensued, starting with Dirtnap hitting the man in the road with a javelin, and Norris'  guiding bolt narrowly missing the mans face. The fight raged on, Sephiroth down two foes, and Norris patched up a few cuts on Kevin the dwarf with a healing spell. Irina trapped a couple of the bandits in some vines with druidic magic, whilst Dirtnap and Kronos got in the man in the roads face. The guy was tough, and seemed to be pretty healthy despite taking a few hits. Folbys was ridiculing the man with vicious mockery, and that made the man mad and chase after him. Being in danger, Folbys told the worst joke heard this year, but the tough bandit man found it hilarious and fell to the floor laughing. The group proceeded to kick the shit out of him on the floor, with Dirtnap scoring a particularly nasty blow that severed the mans arm, before Kevin landed a final blow. Kronos dispatched another bandit, and the last two decided to make a run for it. Asking the party if they wanted a hand to get the two who were running away, Lucius unleashed some magic and blasted them both in the back. They fell to the floor and all fell silent. 
The party looted what they could find from the group of bandits, and loaded injured people in to the wagons, whereupon they continued their journey. They rested well that night and got back to full health. The rest of the journey to Brightwall was uneventful, and they made it to the Rusty Anchor, where they all had rooms paid for them by Lucius. Now they just needed to wait for the boat that was due to pick Lucius up.
And that was the end of the first session.

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